Signed in as:
Millie Aliff
Robbie Anderson
Zach Baker
Major Ball
Jenny Beck
Dallas Berry
David Britts
Mason Bryant
Jason Burner
Lawrence Campbell
Howard Carter
Derrick Clinedinst
Russell Coble
Chris Conyers
Kyle Cooper
Rick Denzler
Ken DeVivi
Michael Farley
Jason Fisher
Mark Fowler
Randy Grauer
James Gray
Michael Gregory
Ernest Hash
Scott Hawley
Alexis Heaps
Earl Hodnett
Sawyer Hunnicutt
Thomas Jeffers
Lindi Jenkins
Matt Jones
Robert Keranen
Larry Kirkland
Ray Lam
Cameron Lesniczak
Trina Mallow
Matt Marulli
Tom McComas
Harold McGuire
David Mckinney
Nathan Mixson
Steve Morgan
Mark O'Quinn
Jeszi Padgett
Victor Petit
Mark Poirot
Shawn Powell
Steve Powell
David Price
Wyatt Propps
Todd Rapalee
Mike Rexrode
Jarvie Robinson
Pete Runion
Tom Schubring
Lance Seal
Nick Shelton
Ally Shineberry
Jeremy Simon
Ferrin Sipe
Tim Sisk
Liz Smalley
Mike Stevens
Taylor Stinnett
Crystal Stitzer
Dallas Taylor
Lane Thacker
Shawn C Thacker
James Thompson
George Trice
Gerald Viola
Danny Waters
Robert Weikle
Dale Wenger
Jason Whitlow
Mark Williams
McKinney’s Taxidermy & Wildlife Artistry
Taylor Taxidermy & Meat Processing
Hunt Life Taxidermy
Five Forks Taxidermy, LLC
Rapalee Taxidermy Inc
Critter Bonz Taxidermy
Lannie and Loretta Ballard
Otto Epping
John C Hudson
Melvin Mitchell
Pete and Sally Nicely
Victor A Petit
James Rapalee
John Woodson
The Members of our organization have the right to receive considerate, respectful, compassionate, and appropriate support in a safe setting. If you need support under ADA protections to attend the annual Competition and Convention as a paid Member in good standing with the organization, please notify Board of Services 60 days prior to the annual Convention & Competition so that services will be available.
Copyright (c) 2017 Virginia Taxidermists Association. All rights reserved.